AutoText Feature in MS Word 2007

AutoText almost anything (graphical elements, tables, etc.) that you can select in your Word document. This is one of the handy features for faster document processing.


To add an AutoText entry
a.  Select the Word element (text paragraph, tables, image, etc.) that you want to add to AutoText.
b.  Click Alt+F3 (Word 2003 shortcut key, it works). Create New Building Block dialog box appears.
c.   In the dialog box, enter a Name for the Word element.
d.  Select a Gallery type from the drop-down list where you want the Word element to appear. For example, if you are adding a custom table to AutoText, select the Gallery type as table. Later, you can access the  custom  table from Insert > Table > Quick Tables.

Alternatively, you can add the AutoText feature to your Quick Access Toolbar as shown below:


To add AutoText to Quick Access Toolbar

a.  Click the Office button Picture1, click Word Options from the bottom of the menu list, and then click Customize from the Word Option dialog box.
b.  In the Customize window, select the entry All Commands from Choose commands from drop-down list.
c.  Select the command AutoText by scrolling down the All Commands list.
d.  Click the button  Picture4 to add the AutoText command to the Quick Access Toolbar list.


Select a block of text that you want to save as AutoText entry.

After you have added an AutoText entry, Word alerts you to save the changes made to Building Blocks. If you do not save, AutoText entry would disappear next time you open Word.

About wordknowhowhttp://wordknowhow.comThis blog site was started to help people with Microsoft Word. I use Word a lot at work, and I understand that some features are difficult to use. There were no simplified instructions online to help me use these features. It is for this reason that this site exists; to make your life easier with Word. Feel free to post your comments, queries, suggestions, etc. I will do my best to help you!

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