How to modify the Normal template or how to change default font in Word 2007

Every time you open a new Word document, Word opens the file. is the default template. By modifying the Normal document, you can change the default Word font, paragraph, style, header and footer, page setups, page background, etc.

With Word 2007, it is super easy to change the formatting of the file. To modify the Normal document, use the following procedure.

  1. Close all open documents.
  2. Click the Office button Picture1.
  3. Click Open.
  4. On the Open dialog box, select Trusted Templates as the Look In folder.
  5. Click to open the file.
  6. Format the document, as you want to. Next time you open a new Word document, the modification will be reflected in the documents.

Note: You can create a section for each chapter of your document and apply unique header and footer to each section.

About wordknowhowhttp://wordknowhow.comThis blog site was started to help people with Microsoft Word. I use Word a lot at work, and I understand that some features are difficult to use. There were no simplified instructions online to help me use these features. It is for this reason that this site exists; to make your life easier with Word. Feel free to post your comments, queries, suggestions, etc. I will do my best to help you!

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